Sunday, May 6, 2012

Oh Happy Day!

I've been wanting to get my body fat percentage tested for quite some time. I have a scale that supposedly measures body fat, but it is extremely inaccurate. However, I still keep track of it just to evaluate trends and to make sure it is going down.

In January, at the beginning of my journey, I had it tested using one of these:
Omron hand held device
Now these are much more reliable than my scale, but still not the most accurate method. My neighbor is a grad student at USU and needed participants for a study in which body composition would be measured, as well as VO2 max, and other things. I was able to get my body fat tested in the bod pod, which is one of the most accurate methods available.
This is a bod pod. Obviously that's not me, but it gives you an idea of what it is.
In case you are not familiar with body composition, ideal BF% for a female is 18-22%.

To give you an idea of what I was expecting....
-In January, my scale said I was 44% body fat...eek!
-In January, the Omron hand held device said my body fat was 37%
So I discovered my scale was anywhere from 4-7% off.

Yesterday morning my scale said I was 34% body fat. So I figured my real percentage had to be in the upper 20s. I don't think I've ever had my BF% less than 30, so my goal was for it to be 29 or less. I would've been THRILLED with anything less than 30.

So we did the analysis...and I got SHOCKING results...

My body fat percentage is: 21.8%!!!!!

I am seriously doubting the accuracy of that bod pod! I NEVER would have guess that it was that low! Still in disbelief, I quickly grabbed an Omron and used that to see if it was way off. Yesterday, the Omron said my percentage was 25%. A little difference between it and the bod pod, but not a questionable amount. Either way, my body fat is 25% or less!

Oh happy day!

1 comment:

  1. We did all of the different scans in college. The bod pod is pretty accurate;) if you want to be truly accurate you have to do the underwater one (ick I hated that one it felt like i was drowning!) but it still is really cool! Congrats Bobbi! Way to work hard!!
